The Centre

The Moroccan Centre for Banking Mediation Al Wassit Al Banki «المركز المغربي للوساطة البنكية», whose statutes were adopted at the constituent General Assembly held on 26 June 2013 in Casablanca, is constituted as a non-profit organization.

Our Governance

The Moroccan Center for Banking Mediation is ruled by three authorities :
  • The Board of Directors
  • The Executive Commitee
  • The Ombudsman / Al Wassit Al Banki Director
More information about the Center


Mediation is an amicable procedure for litigation resolution, by which two parties ask a third party, the Ombudsman, to help them reach an agreement to end their dispute or prevent judicial litigation.

The Ombudsman is neutral in the conflict and independent of the parties. By the mediation process, the Ombudsman fosters the exchange of views and attempts to bring the parties to explore solutions acceptable to them.

Mediation is an alternative mode of dispute settlement for conflicts embedded in the Moroccan Code of Civil Procedure (Conventional Mediation).

The Banking Mediation is designed as a contractual and voluntary process looking for an agreed solution between Credit Institutions and their Clients on the occasion of a dispute between them (see the two measures provided for this purpose).

The Banking Mediation promotes the reconciliation of parties’ views to take advantage of acceptable solutions and allows carrying on existing business relations before the outbreak of the dispute.

The Banking Mediation allows negotiation between the parties, assisted by a neutral and independent Ombudsman well versed in the processes and trained in Mediation techniques.

Mediation is a process by which parties agree to ask a third party, the Ombudsman, to assist them in finding a solution to their conflict. Mediation is soft and flexible; the parties retain full control of the proceedings. The Ombudsman is there to reconcile the views of the parties and offer them reliable, and in a private and confidential setting.
Mediation has many advantages over traditional court action.
This is an entirely voluntary process, faster, free and confidential.
Finally, mediation helps maintain cordial ties between the parties.

Stakeholders of Banking Mediation

The Moroccan Centre of Banking Mediation steps in to find solutions to the litigations between Credit Institutions and their Clients.

The Clients


An individual is, in the legal sense, a human being able to have rights and obligations (legal personality).

Legal Person

A legal person shall be, within the meaning of the law, an entity (a company, group, etc.) in the same way the individual is endowed with legal personality.
Client term is understood in their broader concept covering both Institutions regular and passing Customers.

Credit Institutions

The Credit Institutions include Banks, Financing Companies, and Micro-Credit Associations.

Are eligible for Al Wassit Al Banki Mediation disputes relating to the management of:

• current accounts;
• deposit accounts;
• savings accounts;
• and means of payment.

Including issues relating to :

• The operation of deposit accounts regardless of their nature;
• The operation of securities accounts;
• Bank insurance;
• The challenge of accounting entries;
• The conditions applied to bank transactions;
• Management of joint accounts;
• The implementation of commitments made in the context of banking contracts;
• The account closure.
• The debt recovery if non-payment is due to a case of dismissal or an unexpected social situation, in accordance with the provisions of Article 111 of Law No. 31-08 enacting consumer protection measures ;
• The difficulties of payment by small or medium-sized enterprise of bank loans
• The unmet repayment terms of financial aid;
• The issuing of documents to Clients (release, amortization schedule, outstanding certificate …).

Are excluded from the scope of mediation issues inherent to debts collection by Credit Institutions.

The Customer must refer in writing their Credit Institution of their litigation before submitting the CMMB.

The Steps of Referral
to the Ombudsman

Application submission
File review for admissibility
Information of Credit Institutions – Opportunity to review their position
Working Mediation: Reconciliation of views
Conclusion: proposals of the solutions by the Ombudsman
Closure of Mediation


We would like to express to Mr. Mediator and his colleague our gratitude and satisfaction for their mediation, without which, our dispute with our bank, which lasted three years, would not yet be resolved. Thank you very much for the speed with which you handled our file. Please accept, Mr. Mediator, our most respectful greetings.

Manatress S.A.R.L

Following our telephone conversation, I would like to thank you very warmly for the diligence you showed and the interest you showed in processing my mediation request; I am pleasantly surprised and surprised by the effectiveness of your intervention which influenced the outcome of this very delicate situation. Thanks to you, the problem is now resolved and I am very grateful to you.

ISMAILI Moulay Ali El Alaoui

With this testimony, I would like to pay tribute and thank the Director of the Moroccan Banking Mediation Center as well as his teams, who were able to provide a positive and effective response to our request for mediation in the context of a file that remained pending for almost two years. The Banking Mediation Center, through its involvement and that of its Director, was able to create the conditions for a calm and constructive discussion allowing each party to put forward their point of view, supporting elements, and to reach an agreement within a very short time.

Mehdi Fassi Fihri

Directeur Développement – SACOM


باغي تعرف

ما هو دور مؤسسة الوسيط البنكي، ومتى يمكن اللجوء إليها؟ شاركوا معنا آرائكم في التعليقات و على رقمنا المباشر 0522772424 تابعوا برنامج باغي تعرف من الإثنين إلى الخميس إبتداءً من الواحدة زوالاً على راديو أصوات

Posted by Radio aswat (Page officielle) on Tuesday, November 12, 2024